Banashree offers low power SOC solutions
- We help our tool and IP customers get better results quicker.
- We help customers get the most out of their SoC design resources by implementing, optimizing and deploying our tools, expertise, experience, flows, methods, and IP.
- We differ from other design services companies because we leave our customers stronger than we found them, including new knowledge and methodologies to use on future projects.

We help you get better results quicker and the most out of the Banashree solution.
New technology nodes and techniques make flow development an inevitable part of the design process. Our Methodology Consulting & Flow Deployment consultants are ready to help optimize your existing flow or deploy a new one. Have us:
- Optimize Your Existing Flow: Tap into our consultants’ tool knowledge and design experience to optimize your existing methodology, add new tools, or implement new sub-flows.
- Deploy our Lynx Design System: Sometimes it’s best to start with a new methodology rather than retrofitting an old one. Our consultants have shaved months off new flow-development schedules by starting with the Lynx Design System, Synopsys’ tool automation, project reporting, and flow environment

We help you get better results quicker and the most out of the Banashree solution.
Our physical design consultants are available to assist your team throughout the entire RTL-to-GDSII process, from performing specialized tasks, to taking on a block, all the way up to full-chip implementations. Hire us to:
Add our physical design experts to your team to:
Perform Specific Tasks: Our consultants are available to perform dedicated physical design tasks at the block and chip level.
- Assist with Advanced Process Node Migration: Is your design team migrating to an advanced process node such as 16FF+, 10nm, or 7nm? Our consultants will help you get better results quicker while simultaneously helping you avoid common pitfalls.
- Help Your Team Transition from an ASIC Handoff to a COT flow: If your company is transitioning from an ASIC to a COT handoff, have our physical design consultants deploy a new flow, perform the physical design tasks, and ultimately help your team become self-reliant on future COT handoff projects.
- Chip Optimization: Our consultants are ready to help optimize your chips for power, performance, and area. Hire us to help you close your designs for timing, signal integrity, and power integrity.

We help you get better results quicker and the most out of the Banashree solution.
We offer a range of support for hardening and optimizing Arm® cores:
- QuickStart Kits for Arm® Cores: If you want to implement Arm® cores yourself, download our QuickStart documentation which contains scripts, constraints, and a reference guide.
- QuickStart Implementation Service: a four week consulting engagement designed to help accelerate the development of Arm® Cortex®-A55 based SoCs using Synopsys tools.
- Arm Core Hardening and Optimization Services: Our CoreOpt Consultants work as a member of your team to help close your designs for timing, signal integrity, and power integrity, or take the entire core from RTL-to-GDSII and deliver a hard macro.

We help you get better results quicker and the most out of the Banashree solution.
Is your design team spread across multiple geographies? Would you rather spend design resources on your chip instead of supporting the project’s design environment? Our Hosted Collaborative Services (HCS) offer secure access to your designs and environment, the Synopsys Design Platform, and our design services–from anywhere. HCS is:
- Collaborative for design teams
- Customizable for your project’s needs: Bundled hardware, Lynx Design System, and design services
- Flexible for adding internal or external team members as needed
- Productive: common environment + automation + visualization + robust flow + targeted optimizations ─> predictable silicon signoff
BHIVE MG Road, Mahalakshmi Chambers, 29, MG Road Next to Trinity Metro Station, opp. Kotak Bank, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
+91 98457 16571